Indigo Invitational Y3
I know Mo
was not worried about
you have to hem like Steve to avoid it , haha
Super @Jcaz6996
Must have been boiling water
or at least a 90 degrees wash
Don’t think a tumble dryer will cause this -
Wow. That pair looks incredibly silly to me.
Wow. That pair looks incredibly silly to me.
I was just thinking that but didn't want to say it. I really don't know how I feel about that dude's jeans, I follow them on instagram just because all of the fades look like that but I always scratch my head. Looks like they were worn in a super salty ocean and worn to dry or something?
Yeah, I just feel like those aren’t natural looking fade patterns at all. I see this a lot in extremely faded pairs on Insta, etc — they just look like they’ve been pinched in all kinds of areas and helped along, maybe with sandpaper or something? Jeans don’t fade like that.
they just look like they’ve been pinched in all kinds of areas and helped along
Sounds accurate…I have the urge to pinch folded parts on my thighs here and there- mainly because the give in the fabric just feels cool- but these look like pinched and fingernails dragged up and down, absolutely everywhere.
Yeah for sure — I’m not gonna sit here and say I haven’t done that too haha. I just struck me as extreme with this one. Also not trying to come off as a shit talker over here, as I’m not even participating :D. They just left me a little dumbfounded.
Totally agree these don’t look appealing to me either to much going on for my liking..
But he will make it into the Top 10 being apart of some denim community you vote for me I’ll vote for you gag …But check this pair out got no idea WHY you would want to get a pair of denim in this absolute mess looks like he found them in that engine gross ..
Can’t imagine putting them on
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More likes then actual contestants that finished last year..