The Iron Heart 20th Anniversary Party
Bringing 2 carry ons, once I remove the container of peanut butter filled pretzel pillows for @Madame Buttonfly I may have room.
@ROman you definitely know the way to my heart!
@Olly any update on the flash sheets my man!?
People see me, and they see the suit, and they go 'you're not fooling anyone', they know I'm rock and roll through and through.
I’m starting to mentally plan for Gosport and I have some question
-Will we need any cash or can we get by with cards?-Will we get any more info on the tattoos? (eg. price, designs etc.)
Cards should be fine everywhere, other than perhaps the tattooist. We will release more info when we get some from him. @Olly can you check in please?
Jelle is in Vegas rn, but he said it’ll be between &
£80-£100 cash for a piece of flash. I’ll have images in due course, but don’t expect anything until around end of August. I’ll do my best to push for his flash sheet in the interim.Bahahahhah!! Hopefully have something for you mid-week!
Yup, this week is dragging already!
Ok, how many of you are buzzing with excitement? Clock's ticking and the party is getting closer and closer…
Bags being packed, passports being checked, reservations being'll drive me nuts waiting and counting down like that. I rather keep sane for now hahah
Funny story…my sister in law waited until the last minute to pack for a trip with her girlfriends, got to the Airport (2 hours drive) with about 3 hours until her flight departed. Went to check in and discovered she forgot her passport at home...phoned up the husband (brother in law) and asked him to check the dresser for her passport. It was exactly where she left it.
He managed to get it to her just in time for her to make it through security and board the plane. He was furious...(she has a tendency to do this kind of stuff).
locked myself out the house because I forgot the keys and got stuck in the garden because I didn't have the key to the front gate.. so I was stuck till someone with my spare key arrived. good thing passport's not on that forgetful list yet..
Ok, how many of you are buzzing with excitement? Clock's ticking and the party is getting closer and closer…
Bags being packed, passports being checked, reservations being confirmed...My buzzing is over, just learned the visa process is further delayed, so I’ll never get it in time to join you.
Will miss the chance of meeting this great crowd this time around but I’m sure they’ll be more opps. Hope all of you have a fantastic time at the anni party. I’ll enjoy it from here reading your comments and poring over the pics!
Safe travels @Matt. I hope you enjoy what the forecasts are saying will be a week of the very best storms England has to offer!
Mercifully, the current forecast for Saturday only has a 7% chance of rain according to Dark Skies.
My preferred weather app - because apparently now, as a "boaty" I know what the fuck I'm doing…...,2022091012,50.719,-1.200,11,m:e3Oaf7i
I’m really sorry to hear that @motojobobo
My preferred weather app - because apparently now, as a "boaty" I know what the fuck I'm doing…...,2022091012,50.719,-1.200,11,m:e3Oaf7i
…you too.
Safe travels to all and please take (and share) lots of pictures. @motojobobo sorry to hear the news.
@motojobobo that's really sad - let me know if I can sent you the patch in any other way