Redline Rally Y2
@Jcaz6996 hell yeah dude excellent choice. It's such a monster of a jacket!!! Fade potential as you know is sky high.
@Oaktavia cheers pal definitely looking forward to it. After seeing the evo on yours it’s been top of my list to get so glad one popped up on on Relove .
Initial soak first ? Put on damp set the creases?
That correct mate ?Yes indeed my dude! Looking forward to seeing your process.
I’m in with wabash cpo
I won't be in it but I also have that wabby CPO coming my way soon. @Heavy_blue @Daniel San I'm stoked to see y'all fade yours!
sure yours will look awesome dude -
ok gentlemen, just did the registration
BUT I will not go for the wabby CPO
something different came in my mind, keep you updated! -
Nice one @Daniel San
the suspense
Come on what have you gone for ?Make sure to post your pictures .
someone curious what I go for ?
follow your thread and you will see , haha
post pictures as soon as I can mate -
Indigo kersey would be great for this comp
Good point lighter weight might be more sensible
I’m entering with the 62 wabash ind and the same 526!!
“A cada época la salva un puñado de hombres que tienen el coraje de ser inactuales” G.K. Chesterton.
Just ordered the Wabash CPO for this!
Very excited to wear it tons -
@Oaktavia I hear they are tough faders?! If so, It'll be a fun challenge.
@Oaktavia I hear they are tough faders?! If so, It'll be a fun challenge.
@neph93 explained the wabash pretty well on one of the shirt threads. Basically it just takes lots of wearing and washing, wearing and washing. The more washes, the less contrast but still will show fade patterns that many folks are after in areas like elbow-pits/honeycombs and wrist fades. I have a 68 that I have washed over a dozen times and have been wearing off and on for a couple of years. It is just now starting to really show some evo.
I personally have a hard time going a long period of time without washing a shirt…after a while they just feel...slimy. But sticking it out as long as possible before the first wash would yield the best results.