Giles and Paula's Great Retirement Adventure
Really impressive that it's that organized and speaks volumes about the pride that goes into working there. In my mind that correlates to the overall build quality of the boat and the fact the storeroom (which I assume most customers don't/can't access) is that neat means they haven't cleaned up just for your visit.
I really think you're going to get a top level build and are dealing with a great outfit.
The insurance company don't give a shit about the boat, just our ability to avoid writing it, or something more expensive, off…..
We had planned to pick her up the last week of April, but for complicated reasons (American friends who have been trying to get to see us since 2020 - thanks Covid) we are trying to delay until mid May.
You mean like this…
He's just anti fouling it…
and the boat coming in is going to do some James Bond move and get it back in the water for him.
It's freezing but otherwise perfect, sunny with no wind. So we thought we'd go for a spin…..
what is this?
Great day for it @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly I was out walking Chicken around Portchester Castle today, might have seen you
In the middle of last year, @Madame Buttonfly had a go on the current tender. It is small, underpowered and has a tiller. Let’s just say, after about 5 minutes she asked me to take the helm, it was not her finest hour.
There is, of course, a silver lining in every cloud. I was given permission there and then to significantly up the budget for a tender for SAKURA as long as it had a steering wheel.
I got a mail today, it is ready, but they will hold until SAKURA is back in UK.
@Nik Porchester Castle is a fine place for a walk, love it there, and obviously so does Chicken - bless him
Six days in a classroom starts in one hour for me and @Madame Buttonfly - Sometimes (well quite often), I question my sanity….
This will embarrass @Madame Buttonfly , but Jesus, is she owning this course? Yesterday, we did the second of two exams, it was on chartwork (Running Fixes, Estimated Position, Dead Reckoning, Course to Steer etc…..) It was long and very hard, but I was confident that I would pass, I knew I would make a few stupid and careless errors, because that is my way. I finished first and got a "solid work Giles" comment from the instructor, Paula took a bit (well actually a lot
) longer, but basically got 100%, she transposed one number by mistake, and her answers were so close to perfect, it really defied belief. I am so freakin proud of her. Oh, and in the earlier exam on lights, rules of the road etc, she did better than me too....
We have one more assessment to do today, but we've basically been told we can't fail now. So we went out for a beer with the instructor after class yesterday. I bought this....
That’s amazing well done both hope all goes well today .
The thought of exams/tests literally gives me anxiety. I had to do a Crane slinger/ signaller 3 day course a few years back qualification I needed to work on site erecting Timber Frame houses .Monday was a day in the classroom go over 90 questions along with the answers, Tuesday a day in the yard practical moving objects with the crane that we were going to be tested on, big AC units a oddly weighted motor and steel beams that part I was pretty confident as I’ve worked with cranes over 6 years but never really needed qualifications before.
Wednesday test day external examiner and I was first to go in and I was shiting it. There was no way I could process 90 questions and answers in that short space of time so I failed I was gutted.
Cost me another £250.00 to retake the exam on top of the £1500 already paid to book it .I remember I Revised all over the Christmas period and returned in January to resit the test and thank god passed the verbal test onto the practical was feeling confident ,practical test gets on the way then the examiner started shouting at me do you know how a bloody crane works you should be standing there! Shoving me to wear I should be .. now I was a reck thinking shit I’ve only failed it again but continued moved all the objects safely and back to the original spots and somehow he passed me phew…
Two months later I had to do a lift supervisor exam, lift supervisor explains the lift / lift plan to the crane operator and slingers overseas the lift
Another verbal exam had 100% and 100% on the practical didn’t want to go though that ordeal again so downloaded test papers and revised. Still hate test/exams
Sorry for the long winded story -
That's an absolutely flawless choice of beer based on the name… This was an option as well but based on Paula's results less prone to happen...