IHSH-293-OD - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo Overdyed Black
@dinobarnesberlin if you’re looking for the 292-indigo in XL brund and feinfracht has xl in stock.
@Kasi we learned from the ‘rock and stock’ master
@dinobarnesberlin if you’re looking for the 292-indigo in XL brund and feinfracht has xl in stock.
Thanks for the heads up on this @Heavy_blue
Gonna go there and see what's shaking. -
Went to the Feinfracht site–-the have my 18oz 292-IND CPO there but not the 292- IB CPO.
I will just be patient and wait for the restock-
Thanks anyway @Heavy_blue -
@dinobarnesberlin do you mean the 293-od? Cause if i’m not mistaken there is no ib version of this one.. maybe i’m wrong tho
the ihsh-295 is the only indigo black shirt it’s a 14oz western , not a cpo
the cpo are the 292-ind and the overdyed 293-od, both 18oz -
I dont know what I was thinking. I got my shirts/CPO's mixed up.
You are correct @Daniel San –-its definitely the 295 IB that I am thinking of.Sorry for the confusion @Heavy_blue
But yes…the 14oz shirt is the one im jonesing for......never was good at keeping the numbers/models straight.
@dinobarnesberlin no prob mate! 295 gonna take a while unfortunately.. but patience and there will be enough cool stuff to keep us satisfied in the meantime
have the 295ib , it’s a wonderful shirt and worth waiting for !
here’s a little sneak view from my closet -
@Daniel San nice one mate, the ind/blk denim is awesome when it starts to fade. I also find that spot on my shirts fades the best too
That’s the one alrighty @Daniel San !!
Looking really good by the way man!!You are so right @Heavy_blue —- I know it’s gonna be a minute before it gets restocked— but as usual, the drops will just keep coming. Even those sneaky ones in between the scheduled releases.
Oh what a tangled web these IH guys weave️ but in a fantastic way of course
plugin-calendar-event-wrapper:start |||IHSH-293-OD Restock|||
IHSH-293-OD Restock -
I am too stoked for this restock.
@Daniel-San sorry for the late reply man ---- the Eve is strong with this one!!
This is the most badass shirt I've ever seen. (So badass that it's actually a jacket disguised as a shirt.) Tried one on at Self Edge a few years ago but didn't pull the trigger. Hopefully the sleeves on this production run will work out for me.
BTW, the new forum looks great. Good job, guys.
Come on mate, grab one
Burg & Schild has them !