IHSH-206 - Ultra Heavy Classic Check Western in Brown and Green
A little bummed by the lack of UHF work shirts (and just work shirts in general) this fall, but I understand that you have to make what sells.
I'll get the brown in a work shirt.This. While I let it be known, I'm disappointed the vintage check won't be coming in work form, the brown classic was a close second choice for me. It's a worthy consolation. I guess I will be in on something, after all.
Work shirts are not popular at all in Japan (nor with our retailers) so we really have to drive the work shirts through taking all the risk ourselves, which is why we are using a western exclusive fabric on this occasion.
We would love to offer more variety of cut, but as you and @Broark have pointed out, if we cannot sell the minimum run required to make them, we cannot justify contiuing to make them -
@giles why we don’t see 215 in product alert page ?
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This one combined with all the others = too many good options.
the workshirt - wow!
Brown work shirt looks awesome.
Brown work shirt looks awesome.
+1 , I need one in size xxxl
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Brown Workshirt for me..
Hopefully a good number of vendors take these.