IHxB01xOD - Beatle Buster 21oz Japanese Selvage Denim Overdyed
ok nicolnicolnicol you need to go here: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1298.90 and let us know what you do with all those machines behind you
Hey man. I am not working in this workshop. It belongs to the good people of OGL..
nice pics everyone! i will post a couple of my buster ODs on tour in Brazil when i get back to NY tomorrow.
Great pictures Beatle, as always.
Didn't get to wear them much, working 20 hour days and wearing a suit :(, but got a few pics in.
Bonus pic with IH-FW and Johnnie Walker Blue Label in the lounge at Sao Paulo airport before boarding last night
BUSTERS FOR LIFE. Weather is killing it from where I am located; Singapore. T shirts all day.
But anyway, can't wait to see how the combs will fade like on this pair.
great pics everyone!!!
if you
re still in the shop, then please say "Hi!" to Scasi and James, if he
s there!great outfit and perfect fit on the Busters…

great outfit and perfect fit on the Busters...I will be in their workshop again tomorrow. I can't help you on James though.. He is back in France since around 2 months back!
But I will sure let Johnny know that ThinFinn is sending his regards from Germany!" width="480" height="640" />
I will be in their workshop again tomorrow. I can't help you on James though.. He is back in France since around 2 months back!
But I will sure let Johnny know that ThinFinn is sending his regards from Germany!
nice ;)…
BBOD at a week. No evo yet. Just some idea on how they are gonna fade on the whiskers and combs. Though some light blue is peeking through the knee + the back pockets..