The (Less intimidating) Watch Thread
My daughter is 4 and she wanted a watch. This was her choice.
@Mizmazzle hammy & wabby go well together dude!
Thanks @Dmart i just did first run with it and had a great time
Screen visibility is fantastic. I think the old OLED issues have been fixed. Battery life so far is as expected, with 23 days estimated. But I'll let you know in a week how it goes. I've currently got the display as always on.
I received this watch when I bought my Fat-Boy way back when. Forgot I had it, found it in the garage.
Now I’m on a mission to find the wood box it came in
@Kasi You may have better luck if you ask about the watch in the watch thread and give us an idea of your price range.
Here are the two watch threads:
The Less Intimidating Watch Thread:
And the Watches Another OCD Problem: