I love when makers do the hardware that rusts and ages like that!! Lovely!!
Reverse Indigo harness belt 1.75 wide. Made by
. @FlannelnBooze This is the belt he made for me. @pechelman does this help?
@Mizmazzle This is my BWeiss Belt.
I ended up picking up a bweiss belt after that post in the natural veg tan / super beast. We discussed a couple of minor customizations and I'm overall happy with it. Communication was a little difficult for me, somehow having to explain what I meant by "center to center distance" between holes about 3 times, but we got there, mostly. The finish on the outside and edges of the belt is great but the inside/flesh side is a little rough with various knife cuts that go into the leather a little. They didnt bother me enough to bug him about it though given the massive thickness of the leather. As for comfort, the belt is very compliant around the waist and I have other belts that are stiffer and can be uncomfortable if tightened too much (e.g. laminated nylon and kydex gun belt). After a few months, the bweiss has taken on a natural form to my body and has already picked up some patina.
I also had an IH belt briefly and thought while it was overall nicer finished, I preferred the bweiss just slightly for its thicker leather that was stiffer in the plane of the leather where I like belts to be stiff.
Overall, I'd probably go back to buying a bullhide belt if they had the same options when I ordered over ten years ago. To me those belts I have from them are nicer finished overall, feels stiffer yet is also thinner, and they had a much more clear path to understanding and knowing what you'll get for customizations. ymmv
@Mizmazzle My belt,while it looks pretty gnarly,isn’t one of the Super Beast belts,but a leather that he Indigo dyed and used the Roughout side of. Having said that it’s one of my all time favorite belts. No break in whatsoever.
@pechelman thanks for sharing your take on the beast belt! It was really informative and helpful. Strange how a seemingly simple strip of leather (a belt, any belt) can be so unique in qualities and make for an array of qualities and experience. I think I really enjoy the research and the hunt for a new item, so hearing accounts like yours are really cool to me.
Do you guys have an idea as to how I can get rid of the excess indigo bleed on my belt? The inside of my brown belt is completely blue. I would like to clean it and try to bring it back to its original color. Any ideas?
@the246guy Maybe Saddle Soap would work. Definitely won’t hurt it.
@Mizmazzle That belt looks awesome. Is it 1.75 wide? And what is the leather used,and did you supply the buckle?
@Mizmazzle Thanks so much for the response. See @Matt that wasn’t so bad.
Who makes a good studded leather belt? There’s one from RRL but it’s really pricey.