Indigo Invitational Y3
@Jcaz6996 said in Indigo Invitational Y3:
Well done to everyone who crossed the finish line great achievement looking forward to seeing everyone’s submission pics.
I’m Still waiting for some sun here to get some good pics .Anyone thinking of going again in Y4 ?
I hesitate a lot but if so this time it will be with my 777-21S, maybe I'll get better results than my OD/PBJ Aisora. I wore it 300+, washed it 3 times, beat the shit out of it and the results are not that satisfying...
@goosehd said in Indigo Invitational Y3:
@gouki74 Very cool and I assume you've done a lap or two there?
Even more than that, we race there with my brother quite often
@goosehd said in Indigo Invitational Y3:
@gouki74 now I’m dying to know the details.
Not as a professional driver unfortunately
but they open it sometimes for daily drivers so when it's possible we like to put our wheels there.
I have a BMW Z3M coupe and my brother a 996 911 GT3
Around 210 wear days and 3 washes... Now beating my 555s-21 and my 555s-14bb... Was a great Journey
@gouki74 I have a soft spot for the Z3M as I wanted one really bad back when I had no money and was working crazy hours/days trying to set aside as much as I could.
During the recession/depression of 2008, my wife and I both lost our jobs and put everything on hold for a few years. Decided when we lost our jobs that we would never work for anyone else again and it was one of the best decisions we have ever made.
Then came the kids and fast toys kind of moved to the back burner…
I am definitely on board with competing in y4. My left fields held up well. I have a pair of 634-21ib's tucked away that I am thinking of using but I am not sure yet there are so many options. I was also thinking of picking up a pair of the 19 oz left hand twill but idk I want to wear the ib's.
@Fades-for-future these look awesome, nice work
@AdamJ thank you mate
can’t believe that those are natural fades
never saw something similar
maybe they ironed those creases massively and used a lot of sandpaper -
I know that, in those area I think people are shorter
Here a video also wash and tumble dryer too
Go for the win mate