Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
@popvulture love it! Diggin everything in those pics (including that lounge chair
@popvulture small peak at 10k hz legend - excellent
Yo @popvulture that’s an incredible space you’ve got there. Looks like many an evening spent enjoying your cherished albums. What it’s all about!!
YeAh, @popvulture how do you like that Eames chair for listening? I’ve been thinking about getting one for my music room.
Thanks y’all! It’s definitely the most important space in the house
I picked up that Air record not too long ago, was a good find. I think it’s a reissue — I’ve got an orig of Moon Safari but it’s in horrid shape. Maybe one of those cleaners would give it some help.
The Eames chair was the first thing I bought when I moved to Austin, was finally able to have some room and wasn’t paying a fortune to live after being in NY for a while. I got it during DWR’s Herman Miller sale and financed it — I think it felt pretty extravagant at the time but I’m kinda glad I was young and reckless enough to pull the trigger. I think they’re literally double the price now, which is more than egregious…
On the table at the moment - Donato Dozzy Plays Bee Mask. Really beautiful ambient record, been looking for it for a while but it was too hard to track down, then alas a nice reissue just dropped. Highly recommended.
@Mizmazzle it’s the most comfortable listening / reading chair ever! Go for it, man. Just keep an eye out for a deal, for sure.
@popvulture do your ears sit above or below the head rest? I know on the shitty IKEA chair I’m using my ears are below. Makes a noticeable difference in sound quality when I remove the headrest and the sound isn’t blocked behind my ears…not sure if any of this makes sense.
Haha I will say I am sort of the lousiest audiophile, like I appreciate a nice setup but become sort of ignorant when it comes to the science of placement etc. For example, my speakers are in a totally ridiculous place in my living room, but it’s the only config I can really put them in from a functional standpoint, so I’ve just sorta lived with it.
TLDR I haven’t noticed re: the headrest. I will say it’s pretty wide though.
Love the stereo/media pics. Here’s a couple of mine. (excuse the junk/tissues)
@setandsetting all beautiful! Do you have the Rega phono stage bc you’re using a MC cart? I’ve thought about doing that, always wondered how they sound vs MM.
A very underrated one:
@popvulture said in Wax Treasure (Vinyl):
@setandsetting all beautiful! Do you have the Rega phono stage bc you’re using a MC cart? I’ve thought about doing that, always wondered how they sound vs MM.
I'm using the internal phono stage on the Luxman integrated and it is an MC cart: Denon 103R. The Rega box you're seeing is the speed controller or whatever it's called.
This is my first ever MC cart. It sounds good but honestly if you asked me the difference between this and the Ortofon 2M Black I had before I don't know that I could really tell you.
@popvulture is that Lee Renaldo of Sonic Youth fame!?
Ahh right on — I’ve thought about getting g a P6 for that speed change box (and just for the kick of matching with my amp). Basically the reason I have the 1200 is I hate changing the belt on my MMF to play 45rpm.
Also I sorta feel the same way about cartridge differences — I have Ortofon blues on both of mine and they’ve never left me wanting more, but always been nonetheless curious about MC.
@Mizmazzle yes! Killer record, definitely a bit Dead-y (Lee’s professed his fandom many times over). Great slightly stony 70s-ish rock.
@popvulture hell yeah. Gonna check this one out! Interesting side note about his Dead Head fandom. I also know that Stephen Malkmus is a big Phish fan. Guess being an angsty punk/ indie guy fades some as we get older haha. Great music is great music.
I mean, when those guys were young they loved classic rock — I think a lot of what punk was came from people just trying to play what they liked and it came out as something new. Ian MacKaye’s said that he loved Grand Funk and Ted Nugent. Funny shit.