Take care my Geo, always thinking of you…
Good luck tomorrow mate. Let me know if you want me or Stephen Hawking (old friend o'mine) to send you some brainteasers to wile away the hours. With your towering intellect and strange desire to overwork your brain, you could probably solve some of the mysteries of the universe while you're lying around taking up hospital space
Chin up anyway my good man! -
Set him up in one of those and I can safely say mankind's future is in serious jeopardy. He won't give a flying f*ck about the universe…just how fast he can take roundabouts. Oh and expect a few flames on the doors and a purple light underneath so it looks like a spaceship...he's a tuning fanatic.
Well, Geo, I know the rest of the folks here are wishing you well and good luck, but I figure anyone who can survive a lung removal and a broken penis is damn near indestructible. You'll be just fine, I have no doubts. Thus my thoughts go out to the poor nurses of Glasgow that will have the luck (?) to be dealing with you. May god have mercy on them.:)
bertoni, chris?
what a pair of assholes . . . my kinda people
love ya
Well of course assholes are your kind of people: you're Scottish. Isn't that the definition of asshole?
Giles told me it was…
no news is goodness on this front