IH-526L - 19oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Type III - Indigo
al lot of curtains make the lefty fade -
Actually curtains in boxes make the fades
@Jcaz6996 does this denim actually soften much? Still can’t do up all my buttons
had it for a year or so but not wasted yet….
Not washed! Not wasted
@Jcaz6996 not worn it loads but they are so stiff not really tried to do them up much. The third one down is fine so use that mostly
@Jcaz6996 yours looks great!! The fading is incredible
@Jcaz6996 did you just cold soak it ?
@Kasi cool will do
Great thanks! Much shrinkage at all?
@Jcaz6996 league of leftie’s! Love your devotion on each piece James, but you totally are nailing this one dude! Thanks for sharing
@Jcaz6996 do you know where I can find info on how to hot soak properly?