Fantasy Football (Soccer)
@Brian just don't mistake it for AFL hahaha
I’m English by birth so although I’ve grown to watch afl I almost still have no idea what its actually about and have more interest in the nrl so I’m probably screwed either wayEven though where I am they never cover NRL on the news even when origin was played here
SA the backward state but I wouldn’t change it for the world
@Brian yeah the rugby is much popular over east. we get some exposure out west but most of the time, it's just an excuse to head to the pub. other than that, it's just the dockers and eagles.
Hey everyone, right so those of you who are in the league, please transfer me £10 to the following details:
Adam Crawshaw
A/C 17819868
Sort - 30-93-48Anyone in the office feel free to either transfer or give me cash as will be pulling it out in cash anyway. Anyone wishing to send via PayPal, please do so to - friends and family.
Deadline for team selection game week 1 is Friday afternoon. Please submit payment before then to be included in the league
@Brian fuck me dead. that exchange rate is horrendous.
@AdamC Thanks mate! I'll send it today!
@AdamC Is it too late to join? Would love to if I still could!
@mumonkey72 not at all! More the merrier! League details and where to transfer the £10 are detailed in the comments above