The Flat Head
@Kasi Very nice!
@JunkPants -
Awesome jacket Mo
Always wanted exactly this one from FH
But spending too much money on IH stuff , I wasn’t able to save enough money -
Have 2 IH leather jackets as well
have the steer hide type 3 from IH.
but I really dig the Flat Head -
Try all 4 pick one which fit me best.
Individual all was different in fitting.The one I picked had move room in
shoulder’sI don’t think I can buy this one online
Brought from R&H in store.Would be a gamble. Due price it’s is.
That cant be yours @Kasi ….it doesnt have any GoodArt on it!
Fit pics too pls
Would like to see some fit pics too Mo -
Will do soon
Matt risky doing a leather jackets with GAH snap.
Did it on my IH bag came off. -
awesome Mo
best double riders jacket I know !
jealous -
Looking cool
Jealous buy one
@Kasi you get it from Rivet & Hide?
Yes I did.
I tried all four in one size pick the one fit me best.They had fine fine creek leathers.
This one won by far