IHJ-103-IND - 12oz Wabash Chore Jacket - Indigo
Hey y'all! My chore jacket arrived and I absolutely love it. At first it was a bit big on me so I decided to choose the "sanitize" option on my washing machine. Its above "hot" so it must get up to 140F or so. From there, I put it in on the hottest setting on my dryer. All after soaking it in the sink and turning inside out. I took it from the dryer when it was still spinning, so it did not sit in there for any length of time. No marbling, harsh folds or unwanted lines/streaks. It shrunk considerably, though I did not take measurements. I love the fit now and I am happy I did not exchange it for a smaller size. It is dark outside here and I prefer to take outdoor denim pics. Will do soon.
Here are some fit photos of my chore jacket. It is nice and loose, as chore jackets are designed to be. It is super comfortable to wear with just a tshirt or in this case my black wabby vest. I plan to wear it over whatever else I wear in the upcoming months. They are still $225 in the outlet marked down from $415 iirc. Get you one!
looking way professorial, @Oaktavia. plus wabby on wabby is so class.
I have a version of this coat/jacket, but haven't gotten any wears in it yet. chore coats are the best.
I have the 120 in indigo. I think the only differences between it and the 103 is that the 120 has snaps and a repositioned shoulder seam. I'm a sucker for wabash. the fades are sooooo good
@Oaktavia I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but am concerned about shrinkage...im 46 chest and was gonna order 48. How much shrinkage did you actually have? In your opinion would the xxxl 48 be a safe bet for me? Thanks in advance!
@Oaktavia I really appreciate the quick reply. So helpful to have someone who owns the jacket with first hand experience. Kind regards sir
@themage I just got mine yesterday - I sized down to M from my usual L. It's a good fit, but fairly snug in the chest. I'll wear it exclusively open, so it will work for me, but have a good look at that P2P - it's the outlier measurement with this one, and I think the reason it's been slow to move. I'd say my M is a typical L in every other dimension.
My first chore jacket, and I love it - as Oaktavia says, it wears more like a blazer or sport coat than our usual short denim jackets, so nice for a different look, and you know it'll fade nicely.
@Oaktavia It would already be on the way if it was up to me. The wife had to bring up this ridiculous point that I might have to many jackets?.?.?. Multiple Filsons, Barbour, Flint and Tinder, Iron and Resin etc.. I'm a bit of a fan of waxed cotton and wool. Im going through the appeal process with her now. I love clothes, other guys love cars or fancy vacations. I'm a cheap date comparatively speaking. I've been walking around randomly saying the word Wabash for no particular reason. Between exposure therapy and me annoying her, she might break soon.
@Oroccoco thank you for your breakdown! Much appreciated
@themage subliminal messages like that can be very effective!! I got a lovely wedding watch from the Mrs. that way!! Maybe wabash and wedding watch alliterate enough that you’ll have the same great results!!
- experiment #2 for this thread. Perhaps listed as an outlier variable
It shrunk quite a bit more and fits like a glove now. I had it the water at 190-210F lots of stirring and gradually letting the temperature down. 40 mins of that and then thrown into the dryer until dry. From there I wetted the honeycomb area to reset the creases and will wear to bed tonight and to work tomorrow.
@Mizmazzle Greats minds my friend lol