Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
Date night
This weekend i was free from work and we have a ritual. Since i can remeber i started with taking my eldest daughter out for breakfast. It’s a father/daughter moment. We always go to the same place and we talk about her week on school, her tops and het downs. We find it impossible that she feels free to talk about whatever she wants so we’re always there to support her with that.
After that we went to my parents and went to a XXL playground where the kids ran in and we didn’t see them for a couple hours! It’s truly sweet to see there happiness wich makes being a dad is the best thing out there.
In the evening we watch the WC rugby we’re fans from the All Blacks(New Sealand) wich have played there match last friday and won with a mega victory(mega pint?)
And like stated her above my fiancé tooo me out for dinner(she’s a winner) and man we had a blast of a evening and so our weekend comes to a end!
Wabby accompanied me today and really is a ideal jacket for these tempatures(22 degrees celcius) this week will be around the same so wabby will have a lot of action this week
Btw?!?! Who can’t wait for 20th October? Hackney Diamonds.. do i have to say more??
Looking slim in those photos @Heavy_blue
Looking great @Heavy_blue!
Initial drop from HD was impressive - looking forward to 20th October
@marco23d thanks brother! Working out and healthy Lifestyle seems to pay-off haha
@Nocturama oh brother.. can’t wait! By coincidence i’m free that day so i’m gonna take a good listen on that good old rock ‘n roll band
Today was another day at the Coffee addiction place haha! And men what did i drink a lot of coffee today.. haha!
It was very quite today at work and around the afternoon it was poring down hell upon us but by the time we got to go home things all went back to normal!
Funny thing is that more & more colleagues get intrested in denim they even search for Iron Heart they ask me what it makes it so special and they are true and true all ears! Wich makes it less awkward then other times where you can’t openly talk about spending this amount money on just a regular blue jeans in there eyes!
That’s a great thing that got me this day also we got some great news on some special projects and coffee Nespresso is been working on and i can let you know.. it blew my mind and that’s been a while since That happend haha!
One thing i forgot to mention is that i’m also a Apple nerd and i’n guilty on ordering there newest flagship model #oops.. i did it again it were the same words that i told Yurena haha! iPhone 15 pro will be mine this friday. Apple is the same as denim once it sucks you in it’s hard to get out haha!
Been working out this evening and the hard work starts to show off never thought i was able to get myself on track with this healthy lifestyle and never would i’ve thought i would be into working out. But men i really like it! It really helped me in managing my stress level and energy balance. What more can i ask?
Tomorrow i’ll be at Nespresso HQ wich recently had been rebuild.. i’ll try to snap some shots to show you the wonderful world of coffee behind the brand haha!
Funny thing the chore coat is a really good measure tape for me when i got it in it fit me ok and slightly oversized now i’m swimming in it for my feeling
will post a shot soo ! I’m sorry for not being able to bring a lot of shots around but i hope you all enjoy my stories.
For now i’m off to bed ealry birdie tomorrow morning after that i’m 3 days off and maybe.. just maybe i have a special project i can share with you all! Cheers!
It was launch day yesterday at the HQ from Nespresso. They launched a new subscription for your coffee/machine wich is totally awesome! Luckily i was there for a training so i could grab a little piece of the cake haha!
Today i’m enjoying a day off and will reach my 30 day challenge streak. Never thought i would get this far haha! For now i’m not thinking about quitting and will settle for some new goals!
Later today i’ll snap some
More shots from
The wabby -
There i am agaib folks! How are you doing? I had some time off but it got disrupted by some stupid shit.. my eldest daughter was diagnosed with something called high sensitivity. Nothing to be worried about in first hand but they advised us to go to a special type of a psychologist. I have nothing against it cause it helped me but you always feel bumped, at least i am that this the way it is. She’s strong, beautiful, smart and she’ll get past all this and so are we but for now it’s just shit!
I did some house cleaning, i made a wonderfull treybake yesterday and today i’m gonna cook a great pasta and gonna install my new iPhone and watch the rugby game
Hey man... with your daughter it really sucks.
I wish you a nice weekend anyway!
Do we still get some new photos of the jacket? -
Thanks guys! Really appreciate it! Due the family mathers i’ve not been the best IH army version of myself but either way it was been a honor my leg will come to a end soon and @Aetas will take it from there and I truly belief he’s going to do great!
@T4920 said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
family first, denim second!
Wait what??!
@neph93 said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
Ok. Here is the dirty dozen and suggested running order.
@CutlasshoundMy thinking is that a newer forum member gets it first. Good opportunity for to show off and for the tour to start somewhere most of us haven’t seen before. DD is up in Norway too (even further north than me), so it is a quick change over. From me down to the Netherlands and into Deutschland. Then over the Atlantic, across the US and over the Pacific and finally back home to the UK.
I’m thinking everyone should have it for a strict 30 days (shipping time doesn’t count).
Any questions/issues?
Please can you take some evo pics of this Heritage Heaven Jacket @Heavy_blue ? It’s not over yet
For sure! I already had contact with @Aetas and will ship the jacket out tomorrow! Also will post some pics and a final story, let me first come clean and say sorry for my leg i had been overwhelmed with private mathers wich i didn’t see comming. For now i’m all good! Also i’m happy that i could take part and i the chore really grow on me and i’m even thinking on grabbing one!