Photograph and Camera talk
@weftyarn After some reading I went with a FED-2, basically a old Ukrainian Leica clone, overall so far it's been extremely solid and is quite pretty to look at on my shelf when not using, which is always a nice plus.
I know the Kiev-4a is also recommended if you prefer the Contax style cameras although it's a smidge more expensive and a bit chunkier/heavier. The old soviet cameras are very cost effective for just giving it a try to see if you like it without breaking the bank.
@J-IV said in Photograph and Camera talk:
@weftyarn it all depends on your budget, my friend. And the kind of shooting you do
Body + 35mm full frame equivalent lens for street photography at ~1k€ would be awesome. Doable?
spent the weekend reflecting on my prior question and took a look back at a few trips. 90% sure i'll be taking the monochrom, 50, and 28. Granted, Hamburg is a little more monochromatic to begin with, but I had a good supplement of cell phone color images that I'm not going to "miss" things anyway. Just going to have fun and take pictures as the opportunity presents. Sharing a few from the aforementioned trip, though this was in May, before the party.
edit; and i feel incredibly dumb do I embed a picture hosted on another website? I tried looking at the forum help post but still no joy
@weftyarn ahh thats plenty, honestly.
Rangefinders - I'd look into the Canonet QL series, Minolta Hi-Matic, and the Leica CL.
SLR - Olympus OM series, Nikon FM series (my fav is the FM2), and the Canone AE-1 program.
Let me know if you wanna chat more. Couldn't really recommend lenses as the price varies too much but I'm sure you'll find one to meet below your budget
@J-IV Excellent, thanks a ton mate! I’ll take a closer look when the weekend comes. Also I just realized my father may have saved one of his old Olympus cameras. As a German saying goes: „Manchmal sieht man den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht“ (sometimes you don’t see the forest because of the trees)
These are awesome @Jett129
The water has that interesting yellowish color which which I really like. Much more pleasant to the eye than green water against a blue background if you know what I mean. -
Beautiful shots @Jett129
@motojobobo Thank you so much!
@Jett129 Amazing pics and even better since they are local.
My fave…
…the chunk of solid yellowish ‘ceiling’ of water is something else.
Ermmm, not that citizen of a land-locked country is much of a judge on sea water. -
@motojobobo Thank you. If the wave wasn't all around him then he'd have been a silhouette,and that's what accounts for that color. And instead of trying to minimize the yellow,when editing, I leaned into it.