@the246guy yes, 21oz 634s I just love them!
@the246guy thank you my friend
IHSH-283-WHT (unfortunately not seen that much on the forum - great shirt)
RGT Cryptic Silveridge
Alden Plain Toe Blucher
@Cskarev Yes the 634 21 S is also my all time favorite and I only wear them amongst my 666 and 777.
Engineered garments, Tender, 888 21oz diy od, Yuketen
@Twistlock I nearly picked the same shirt this morning! Was a bit too chilly, though...
319olv, PTC, 21sbg, Viberg
@John-Galt those 319’s are great shirts. Love the olive
@SKT totally agree - great weight for Fall & Spring temps - the whipcord fabric is nice - good military look - picked up from the IH outlet a while back making it an overall value for the $.