Board Games
My group has been playing Detective: City of Angels recently. One player plays as the Chisel (effectively, the games master) and makes choices as to how suspects answer questions from the other players, who play as the detectives. The Detectives are trying to solve the crime first, while the Chisel wins if the Detectives fail to solve the crime before the killer escapes. Detectives who are waiting for their turn can still interact with the game by choosing whether or not to eavesdrop on another detective's question and answer with a suspect, at a cost, so you find you are engaged most of the time. It also rewards thinking carefully about what you know; for instance on the last case we did, I learned by eavesdropping on another player that one of the potential suspects had a particular occupation. Rather than wait for someone to turn up a clue pointing to this suspect's name or where they could be found, or look for those clues myself, I scoured the board for a location where such a person would be employed, and hey presto, I skipped a couple of breadcrumbs in the trail of clues and found him early.
The rulebook seems daunting at first, but I promise the mechanics are really simple once you've done a round or two. Highly recommend.
@Tago-Mago now that you mention it
@SKT like you would imagine.