I received black and green today, these are freakin AWESOME! Wow… i like them 10x better in person than i thought i would holy crap. These are much heavier weight than your typical cargo pants and they are much more slim fitting than cargo pants usually are too... and the pockets on the sides of the thighs are deep but more narrow than usual. LOVE.
Pictures or didn´t happen ;>
How long would this be if it was hemmed to where the double knee part ends?
my mistake, in the first picture and on the jp website it looked to me like there was a raised section at the knee.
I love the hell out of mine, if there are more in my size im considering saving up to grab another of each color… Are these a one run only item?
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Sweet! Are there any in green or black in size 30 left?
dunno how many pairs of these G has left - but just received mine chop-chopped - and quite frankly if you haven't got a pair you'll be needing your head looked at
these are outstanding as cargo shorts
absolutely love the material
will post fit pics in a day or two hopefully - weather forecast is a bit grim (well normal for scotland) but from x-post
Oh, if I wasn't broke as fuck… Are these extant in Japan or were they just a one off? Pricing (haven't seen it mentioned in the thread so far)? Anyway… too many nice IH products. Gotta save for some denim first.
11 days until the next paycheck.
same problems here :D…too many good things to buy lately