The Iron Heart Forum 15th and the Iron Heart 22nd Anniversary Party
Let me say that I find it amazing that some of you guys travel in from the US and perhaps even further afield, to meet other deranged dudes and compare signs of wear and tear in their denim! Looking forward to seeing you all in person (briefly met some in HH last year)!
shall I bring some of those ?
think you had some in Hamburg last year
@Daniel-San please god no
looks great
so you are coming? -
@Daniel-San yes sirrie
@Alex yeah it's a shame. although having Gatwick now is a welcomed new addition for a nonstop..
I’ll be there! Wife and kid too
@Tago-Mago and to build up some saving in advance
@goosehd they should sell luggage bags
@Tago-Mago you’ll be in Gosvegas for the sailing course. Leave a bag there