IH-804 Double Knee Loggers Brown Duck & Super Black
Anybody have any experience with washing these, mine are starting to get nasty. I don't wanna lose the water proofing and I know about the filson wax re apply bit but just curious if anyone that owns them has washed em and what the effects where. Thanks.
Quick update,
Back to work for the summer, and back to wearing these daily. I would say somewhere around 3-4 months, worn 5 days a week. I gained about 15 lbs over the winter and didn't wear them at all. I tell you guys these suckers don't stretch. I had to do some serious weight loss to fit into these comfortably again. Definitely buy true to size.Sorry for the poor pictures,
I wasn't expecting much if any fading out of these, but it turned out the other way around.
This is starting to come apart pretty quick. I'll have to get a patch put in.
good lord
dude. amazing.
Just ordered a pair of these - BLACK- in Sz 30 from Giles. I'm using them for my Mt. Whitney climbing trip this October ! (Going with Mum, and we climb TO THE PEAK).
Mount Whitney is the highest summit in the contiguous United States with an elevation of 14505 feet (4421 m). We start climbing at base-camp (around 8000 feet). My Mum, who is utterly amazing at 67, has climbed this motherfucking mountain 7 times.
Just be careful with this when washing.. Since its rigid, it tends to have an unwanted fade lines if you wash in a washing machine and spin more than 500 rpm.. It happen to me even its not very visible but i hope nobody will repeat the same mistake as i did..Also remember inside out. I wash mine at 3-4 times already but the rigidity is still there.. Its a truly work pants! love it so much!
Just be careful with this when washing.. Since its rigid, it tends to have an unwanted fade lines if you wash in a washing machine and spin more than 500 rpm.. It happen to me even its not very visible but i hope nobody will repeat the same mistake as i did..Also remember inside out. I wash mine at 3-4 times already but the rigidity is still there.. Its a truly work pants! love it so much!
Thanks for the tip. To be honest, I don't give much of a shit about unwashed fade lines and stuff. I always do inside-out though. Everyone says not to wash the duck 801s but I did already (inside out) and they look great. I guarantee, that the 804s will require a wash after Mt. Whitney. You come out of the climb (20 hours later) filthy and muddy as shit.
Quoting because this is pure insanity!!~!
haha im a panda, great looking pair of jeans you've got there. They have a ton of personality.
I'm at a tipping point with my work pants. They've seen a solid 6 months of work wear and are really starting to show it. The crotch is looking like swiss cheese. Up until now I've been afraid to wash them as they are quite snug already so I gave them the first wash today. Heading down to the local repair shop and I'll see if they are even interested in touching them. They almost turned away my sr's because they are to heavy*. I've got a feeling I'm going to get the cold shoulder with these. Hoping I can get another 2 or 3 months out of these 804's.
anyway here are some pictures,