IH-634S-SBG - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - SBG
@68degreesorless They did feel quite stretchy in the waist. Much more than my XHS.
@68degreesorless How are you feeling with the sizing you went with? From reading your posts they seemed pretty tight in the beginning.
@bluemantra I made the right call. Definitely a little uncomfortable for a few days, but right where I want them now. I've come to realize that my ideal fit requires some upfront "discomfort investment." But I also think plenty of folks size them right to begin with and are still happy in the long run. If you size right to begin with, you won't get as much stretch as I did.
@the246guy is the SBG a faster fader than the original or XHS?
@bluemantra I'm not sure about the fading potential and the speed with which each of these give up their indigo. From experience I have seen that the XHS fades faster , given the heavier fabric, tends to crease a lot that assist with the fading. May be others are more qualified than me to comment on this.
Sup guys. Long time lurker, finally pulled the trigger on a pair. Got a size 31 (usual waist size). Waist fits a bit snug but Im able to close all button with a little maneuvering. Do you guys recommend to stay with this size and just wait for the stretch ? Im also able to place my hand inside the pockets with no issue
@Kevito718 said in IH-634S-SBG - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - SBG:
Sup guys. Long time lurker, finally pulled the trigger on a pair. Got a size 31 (usual waist size). Waist fits a bit snug but Im able to close all button with a little maneuvering. Do you guys recommend to stay with this size and just wait for the stretch ? Im also able to place my hand inside the pockets with no issue
Do they fit ok everywhere else? The waist will definitely stretch.
Yes. I wore them at home for a few hours and didnt feel too uncomfortable just stiff. I think its also a combination of the rise being a bit short. I have been wearing a pair of visvims 01R that have a higher rise.
I seem to remember my SBG(albeit 633, not 634) fitting a little more snug than usual in the waist but they stretched and got comfortable really quickly. I think you’ll be fine!
@Kevito718 Yup, from my experience thats the way it should be since they will stretch out alot but you can still wear them Without a belt! (for the 21s that is,19L also)
Thank you all for the help. Going to spend the next few days breaking these in. I think if i was to size up the top/ thighs will be too baggy after loosing up.
These have been my daily wear for the last few months since I got them in December last year. I however notice that if I get a fleck, it is harder to get it out. This obviously is a characteristic of the black color itself where the dirt shows prominently, but how do you guys deal with this? I do not want to throw it for a soak or a wash until the first 6 months, but it is starting to get dirty and is not helping to be worn in an office environment!
Like @Alex is saying throw them in for a soak or wash when they’re dirty. The first stint i try to make as long as possible, but human possible.. to set the creases and whiskers after that wash when they’re dirty also for the long run it’s the best for the corton fibers
@the246guy If you haven't done so already, you could try some spot cleaning with a damp/wet cloth. I've had some success with that with SBG pairs.
That said, at some point (which always seems to vary) it's simply time for a wash.
Not to mention people seem to have very different ideas/tolerances for when that point is reachedFrom clean freaks to slobs.
I'm doing the Indigo Invitational with some SBGs and currently at 60+ wears. Have done a little bit of spot cleaning (dirty rain/snow splashes, a toothpaste incident etc.), but no washes at this point.
I tried spot cleaning, but it started to take off some black color away, so I stopped doing it.
@the246guy that's quite normal since you're rubbing a bit of the black dye away.. just wash
Hi guys- existing forum member with a new account here.
Just wanted to share the progress on my sbg’s so far. These have 2 months of daily wear on them. Fades are difficult to capture on camera but they’re definitely there. Definitely faster-fading than any of my previously worn 25oz’s.
Not quite sure what’s going on the butt area. Don’t know if it’s fades, sweat stains, and/or both lol. But yeah, enjoying them a lot so far!