@Jett129 the hydra glide was a bike Harley made in the 1940s and 50s. I’m sure them re-releasing it had something to do with the movie coming out. Movie looks dope though! Anything Tom Hardy is in is usually great IMO
@Choko I knew that and I’ve occasionally seen them over the years at Cruise Nights and other motorcycle events. And the Motorcyclepedia,which I’ve been to several times, in Newburgh,NY has at least 1 Harley from every year they were made. I know that whenever Haraki comes to NY his time is very limited,but he would love this place,if there was ever a way to get him there. @Alex.
Once again on a multi day roadtrip. Headed for Tucuman, Argentina. This yesterday roadside pic is somewhere between Sucre and Potosi, still within Bolivia.
Bike is running wonderfully after the last tune up.Schuberth helmet, Klim Marrakesh jacket, Rocker jeans, Daytona Road Star boots.
*** still waiting for IH protective motorcycle gear…. -
@louisbosco Take the camera please!!!!
@goosehd yeah defs would. hope the bike mount will be okay for track.
can't say the edits would be great because I don't have wifi connectivity to the phone and the desktop editor is pretty unnatural...
@goosehd Absolutely knackered last night. came back to the hotel, had a few beers watched the football and straight to bed. haven't had a chance to go through all the footage. but here's a couple of snippets..
@louisbosco So very cool and it looks like you were dragging knees
Unbelievable and thank you!!
@goosehd haha thank you for the kind words. I’ve got plenty to learn in leaning and dragging knees. Took useful feedback from more season riders about cornering and it definitely made more sense in the later sessions of the day
Biggest adaptation is riding a straight bar upright on the street and adjusting to lean angles on the track. Also the wind on a naked is insane at 250+
@louisbosco That is pure awesomeness ~ thanks for sharing those clips and would love to see more if you have any!
@louisbosco Really enjoyed that. I was watching where and how your head was positioned as you were going into and out of the corners,and a couple of times it looks like you take a peek over your shoulder,as if to see if anyone is there. Is that just habit from riding on the street?
@Jett129 not really. We’re running without any mirrors or tail tidy on this bike with the track prep.
Therefore, there’s no way I could know if anybody was behind me. Looking over the shoulders just make sure nobody does anything stupid cutting onto the racing line.
@Denman-John will try to do a video of one full lap once I get my bike back and figure out the lap data from there. Will probably also pick the best
Great stuff @louisbosco ! You are living one of my dreams. I have yet to do it.