Indigo invitational Y4
@pmadison95 great work after 2 months
@pmadison95 these look great absolutely smashing them
Thanks! @Jcaz6996 @jiminstitches I am really happy with how they are progressing. I feel the black weft is really helping the fades pop.
Another solid week in my pair, I’d love to see all your updates!
This post is deleted!
Hi here’s some pics of the double knee inside and outside
After not having worn any other jeans since the competition started, sticking faithfully to the SBGs, I snuck in a few hours of 555-XHS today, taking the fresh snowfall as a sign. And I gotta say, as much as I dig the SBGs, XHS really is the ultimate in my view.
Fade on, good people!
@JunkPants agree mate simply can’t TOP the XHS or XHSIB .. still nice to throw a pair of 21oz on though can’t beat them for comfort.
@Jcaz6996 Exactly, XHS is pretty much the pinnacle of denim if you ask me.
It didn't take long before I was starting to miss the 25oz, haha.Anyway, we shall forge on towards the goal of 200 wears of these SBGs!
(And bank some more XHS once the restock is in
EDIT: One pair of 777-XHSib size 33 left in stock + a voucher = meant to be
A bit hard to photograph in a way that's faithful to what you see in real life, but here are a few shots.
Coming to my knowledge.
A lot potential faders out there are not entering. Knowing the facts their fades are amazing from the previous
Years.If you don’t win not happy with the result
Don’t enter. That’s why I don’t enter.
Knowing there be problems.Just an opinion.
Those enter enjoy the ride
One benefit is that I have lost 10 pounds, moving around a little more the I normally would
Day 82
Quick update on my pair and another solid week. They are filthy and in need of a soak. Do I continue for another a few weeks -
@jiminstitches Go for another week, these will turn out great
Month three check in! Pretty happy with the progress so far
March submission in the books!
Still no days missed, and no soaks or washes yet.Will be alternating with some 777-XHSib when they arrive.
I have som fraying going on on the upper left leg, where I must have scraped against something, leaving the fabric pinned between the phone and whatever I scraped up against. This happened in the first couple weeks and is visible in the first submission pics. May have to do some repair/darning at some point. We shall see.
(Right click "Open Image in New Tab" for bigger version. Should have dusted these off
@JunkPants these look great also , think your good mate just adds character
My XHS literally has a hole appearing just below my left rear pocket from my bloody tool belt rubbing against them
need to do something with my tool belt to prevent it , it’s pissing me off !
@Jcaz6996 Thanks!
Yeah, maybe you're right. Just a bit hard to think "character" and not "ruined jeans"
I see that spot from your latest submission pics. If there's an abrasive part on your tool belt, maybe it could be covered with something smoother, like a fabric or perhaps ideally some smooth leather. That should stop it from grinding down your denim.
(I do some leatherwork when I have the time, and I'd help you out, but don't exactly live close). -
@JunkPants Good job, these are looking great! Don't worry about that mark it adds character