IH-888S-21od - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - OD'd
@worsethanyou The above advice is 100% spot on. There is no shrinkage left in those jeans and your assumption may be correct to sell them.
We have had forum members have them tailored to fit and it may be an option for you.
@worsethanyou Once again the advice is correct to use the marketplace for buying, selling, or trading. I’ve deleted your post regarding the jeans.
Thanks guys for the input!
- topic:timeago-later,23 days
Pair on the way. Someone call for help.
- topic:timeago-later,8 days
Got my second pair of these the other day. Sized up to a 34 after the 33s I ordered in February of this year ended up being slightly too small for my liking.
The fit is spot on- reminds me of a 21oz version of Wrangler's 13mwz (and the measurements bear it out to an extent) and they stack so nicely over tall boots. On the one hand I'm not looking forward to wearing these through Texas summers. On the other it should help the fades come through that much faster
Pics for reference - 33 on the left, 34 on the right. The differences are small visually, but very noticable in the mobility department, and that's with <24hr of wear on the 34s compared to 2 weeks on the 33s
Just got a pair, yup really comfortable from the get go. Look great, too.
- topic:timeago-later,9 days
These are beautiful. I’m glad I got the biggest pair in my size because I find them ever so slightly slimmer than my other 888 denim.
Very comfortable, and the description of them looking like moderately faded black jeans, especially in sunlight, is pretty spot on. Pics included. I promise they are not as stuffed up my butt as they appear to be. Promise.
@drewfonse looking good! OD from IH is the best
I am trying to locate a pair of tag size 33 in this denim. They're out of stock on the official site and I'm in Canada so I've been checking the stock of North American retailers to locate a pair. Several retailers have tag size 33 in stock, however the measurements vary quite a bit from what's posted on the official site.
For example, the rear rise for tag size 33 on the official site is listed at 16.2 while Withered Fig has it as 15.2 and Self Edge has it at 15.5. Normally I wouldn't focus so much on this type of discrepancy but I'm using my existing tag size 33 IH-888S-21 as a reference which has a stretched rear rise of 16.75 and it seems strange that there would be a whole inch difference.
Is there that much variation in batches? I certainly don't think retailers are measuring rear rise any differently.
@bcfx said in IH-888S-21od - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - OD'd:
However the measurements vary quite a bit from what's posted on the official site.
I can only speak to what we do, which is to remeasure every batch we recieve and update the chart accordingly. I am also sure that our staff know how to measure the Iron Heart way correctly, the same cannot be said for any other shop (not because I know that they measure differently or 'wrong', but I cannot be sure that they do it the same way we do).
Is there that much variation in batches?
There absilutley can be, that is why we remeasure every batch.
I certainly don't think retailers are measuring rear rise any differently.
Some retailers measure things differently to the way we measure, ensure you are comparing like for like.
Edit: reread your post, looks like IH is out of your size, sorry. My bad
For what it’s worth, I’ve ordered primarily directly through IH, but also through a few NA stores.
Self Edge in particular measures differently from IH. I have found that IH direct is by far the most attentive and accurate when sending you the specific measurements for a pair, just be aware of how they measure the waist, which is different from Self Edge and others.
The jeans are exactly the same though, in terms of tag size, measurements, etc. I ran into this when ordering from Self Edge, but they were ultimately the same as IIH’s measurements when I actually measured in person.
I highly recommend ordering directly from IH, if possible. Amazing customer service and they’ll find the right pair for you within a tag size. More accurate hemming, and free, too.
Much more attentive than Self Edge. Iron Shop Provisions in New Orleans is great, too.
@Alex was correct.
Measurements ended up aligning with posted Iron Heart measurements. And I've got a new pair of IH-888S-21od on the way
- topic:timeago-later,18 days
Wearing these now, so freaking good. They get noticeably softer with each wear and develop a nice silvery sheen kinda quickly. Awesome.
@drewfonse Love the way these sit on you, this is exactly how I imagine the high rise 888 was designed to fit!
I can't pull it off myself, my body better suits low rise cuts, but for you it works so well!
Yeah I have to have high rise, low rise irritates my hips etc, and because Iron Heart has my sole attention now, 888 is it.
may try the 1955, but the leg opening and thigh might be too big. 888 is best cut of any brand for me, and the quality is obviously the best.
Which cut is your favorite?
@drewfonse 633 (self edge exclusive) from what I've tried so far!
Bloody typical, the one I can't get easily within the UK ...