IH-526Lod - 19oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Type III - Indigo Overdyed Black
@Ross is there Any plans for another restock and a timing?
@Saljaski looks amazing man. And what are the jeans?
@robinvonbatman We have ab order going in soon, but could be 12 months or so. This is a slow-to-weave denim going to a very overstretched factory to be made into jackets
@FlavourFade very nice!!
Hi @Alex! Thank your for your quick response. Good to know that a order going out soon. Till the restock of these beauty there will be a lot other awesome pieces that will let fly the time quick.
@Jcaz6996 looking really cool James
@AdamJ looking very cool mate
A long wait for this one. Hopefully the SBG will fill a gap (for one winter at least).
@T4920 thank you! No washes yet, just normal everyday wear since last July. Mainly in autumn and spring and not wearing every day, but rather few times a week.
I'm going to try make some photos of the jacket in the daylight and post them later! -
@doubletee thanks, love my armor
Jeans are Samurai Slubs S713VXII