@Jcaz6996 said in WHAT ARE YOU DOING TODAY (PICS):
@Jett129 thanks
Don’t think I have the correct lens to take Top pictures but my lads seem happy enough. The correct lens is always the one you have with you.
The old joke used to be…You see Osama Bin Laden in a raging river,hanging onto a tree branch,you could call for help,or take a potentially,Pulitzer Prize,winning picture. The question is which lens do you use?
@tody have a good time in Manchester - (unusually) good weather for it this weekend
@long_john86 I think I got a slight sunburn yesterday
@Seul oh wow that first photo is beautiful
@tody a Manchester tan?!
Enjoying peaceful time and drinking some beer, cheers to you all!
@long_john86 I doubt I need to google what that is… Just a slight spot on my forehead
While in Leeds, we stumbled into the Otley Run - lots of candidates for that kind of tan there!