@Nik Thank you! Just finished a quick 6 km and will do that for tomorrow's run. Also wanted to thank you for your previous suggestions on training programs, etc. I completely understand what you guys mean by junk miles now.
Training with a purpose and goals make's everything much more efficient (albeit more painful on some days).
That's a pretty high cadence, my average over the last year is 154.
I hear coaches talking about having your feet land right below your body rather than in front to increase cadence. -
Current thinking seems to be that heel striking is ok. The barefoot running trend and forefoot strike trend was replaced by two things, one, high stack super shoes where it works to heel strike and two, people being more open to different running form for different bodies.
@Dmart After a year my 965 wouldn't do that long, but what I am currently training for is longer
@goosehd - I ordered an Ultra 2 yesterday then read your message. I don’t have sleeve tattoos so here’s hoping….
@Dmart amoled screen diminishes battery life. I charge my Fenix 7x sapphire solar about once every 3 weeks or more, and thats with about ten hours of gps a week plus wearing it all day and night.
A big thank you to all on your advice and stories over the last year. Following your advice, the past year has been spent primarily running in zone 2, and have noticed marked improvement in my overall health and conditioning. A little over 3 weeks ago, I started training for a marathon and can't believe how much better I am in my training than a year ago. I am able to run faster and farther while keeping my heart rate lower. My overall pace has went from Mid to Low 7 min/km to 5:40's min/km. More than happy with that improvement and success.
So once again, thank you! I'm a better me, because of you!!
Please keep sharing your success stories and know that it's an inspiration.
@Tago-Mago It all start's with one foot in front of the other. My first run was much like your's and the thought of 5 km's sounded like running to the moon.
I’m really trying to make an effort this year to try and get back into running it’s definitely a struggle what once used to be an effortless effort is now a slog, but I’m enjoying the struggle I try and do 3 runs a week . A easy run, a speed session with a warm up and warm down and a steady run .
I haven’t been very consistent with my runs up until last week so doing my best to get after it and hopefully consistency pays off with a better pace and hopefully shifting a few pounds -
Just finished my Monday Run just taking it easy never look at pace just go off feeling few inclines was hoping the route was 5miles but it ended at 4.5 miles my longest run for years.
Question: for a beginner trying to get out 3 times a week what program would you recommend?
And does everyone use KM’s ? I prefer Miles would rather know what my mile pace is instead of a KM.
Roughly how long until you start to see progress?
Apart from my very first run of the year all my runs are around the same pace my quickest 7:55 when a guy raced me around the river front in a mobility scooter for 3.5 miles
And 8:10/mi - 8:30/mi on average for all my other runs .