Iron Heart Fall/Winter 2024 - Live Reveal Thursday 20th June at 1700BST
Great to see a Manchester weather jacket in the lineup. You should call the 136 the ‘Umbrella killer’… I have high hopes for that jacket!
@Matt An alchemist? The Mattchemist?
Thank you all involved in this F/W24 preview, I watched on YouTube and the production value was great.
I’m particularly interested in the new iterations of the N1 and A2 (which I have none in my IH collection), the sashiko work shirt and the black SHF. Looking forward to it.
Such a cool collection! And i’m hyped for a few things!
@Matt Our euro lotto prize tonight is just about covering my wishlist!
@Heavy_blue I misread that as ‘such a cool suggestion’ (selling body organs)
So many great new things. But I don't see a product page for the red checkered flanell western (not the orange slub) ?? Liked that one a lot. But this year I will only get one more IH Item and was hoping to snag the 295ib mhhhhh
@Alex my bad, thank you Alex!
pay with blood
This is the first release where I am “plugged in” to Iron Heart, so I’m not 100% sure how it works. But I have a couple Questions
- Am I seeing this correctly, that there are no NEW CPOs?
- Other than what was in the video, what gets released at the same time as that stuff?
- is it all the stuff that is “Seasonal” F/W stuff, that gets released every fall/winter?
Thanks for your help
@Shortyshutout I believe it was said in the video that what you see this year in the video is what you get. This was/is being done to ease the pressure on the factories producing the goods.
- Yes, no new CPO shirts in this collection. Models marked as continuous production can be restocked from time to time, there is no schedule behind it, just what the production facilities can manage.
- The F/W collection will be released over several months, with not even a rough estimate currently available. Release dates may coincide with restocks of continuous models, but again, there is no real schedule behind that either.
Take a look at today's video on instagram to get a glimpse of what kind of restocks and new releases can happen at any given time.
A AdamJ unpinned this topic on 6 Jan 2025, 14:04