IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey
Just snagged one! Been waiting on this for a while. So excited to wear and fade it hard.
Literally just had the xxl in the basket, went to click on pay and said that someone had bagged it! Lucky devils whoever it may be
@Cutlasshound dunno if you wanna try again - still showing 1 in stock for me….
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Thanks mate, just purchased it. That was weird! Gratefully appreciated old chap
@Ross Regarding the above that @Cutlasshound experienced, I also experienced similar yesterday at the drop. I placed a size xs in my cart and when I got to the payment page I got the message in red telling me something about waiting 15 minutes. I went to the product page and the quantity showed zero available so I assumed someone else beat me to it. I informed my coworker next to me (who also wears IH) that I didn’t get it. He pulled it up and said that there is still one left, but I was showing none left. I signed out of the site and cleared all of my cookies, signed back in, and there was one left in that size. I tried to purchase again with the same results. The interesting thing is that my coworker was watching the quantity from his computer as I went through the transaction and when I would place it in my cart he would see the quantity go to zero before I would proceed with the payment. I went through this sequence four times of getting a message about waiting fifteen minutes before my payment transaction finally went through and every time the quantity would show zero for me till I cleared all my cookies and signed back in, but my coworker would see it available again as soon as I would get the message. Very strange - and frustrating. Not sure if the issue was at my end or of the site. However, I didn’t think the quantity that my coworker was seeing should had went to zero till after my payment processed.
@Cutlasshound CHAMP
@John-Galt Sorry you had an issue checking out, we will look in to this first thing when we're back in the office Monday. Doesn't sound like normal behaviour, thanks for reporting
@John-Galt there was only one XS right!?
, I'm glad I immediately aimed for the S and didn't start competing with you to see who could get it
, I can't wait to see some of your photos to understand the fit.
@Luijim78 There were thankfully two xs at the drop because it took me a long time (like 10 or 15 minutes) to get my transaction to take. It appears the first one was gone after my initial try. You probably would had gotten the other one had you tried. I’m selfishly glad that you’re taller than me and the dimensions worked in my favor this time.
@John-Galt I’m glad you were able to finally get through! I snagged the other XS. The measurements were spot on for me and an Iron Heart Type 1 was too good to pass up, especially when I saw the stock on the drop. Smooth transaction for me though.
@asmith6120 There wasn’t much competition in the past for the size XS so not much pressure at the drop. But that seems to have changed over the past year and there’s more of us small stature guys competing for the one or two that are released. Glad you were successful in making your purchase. The dimensions looked very good for me too. I’m looking forward to getting this one into my rotation this Fall/Winter.
Damn this offering is so beautiful. I just can’t justify another type 1 in my collection right now. I already have a Levi’s type 1 & a Mister Freedom Natural Veg Randall (type 1/2ish).
I really want this fabric in a modified type 3 with the copper buttons and indigo stitching. Any rumblings on other offerings in this fabric?
@RJScheuerle I asked if this denim would be used to make anything else and was told this:
@Alex said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
@Oaktavia No, all the three similar denim releases were to use up last batches of their respective denims.
@AdamJ what @John-Galt experienced is exactly what I experienced also. Browser that I was using was Google Chrome, on a laptop running latest version of Windows
@AdamJ I experienced my ordering issues using Safari on an IPhone which is what I normally use without issues. I had cleared my browser history before signing in and trying to place my order and I had cookies enabled. Occasionally I will get the required to wait 15 minutes message when there are myself and others vying for a limited quantity upon the drop, but typically refreshing the New In page will then show the correct quantity still available and I can then go through the order process without further issues. This time took many attempts and if I would just refresh the New In page, it would show quantity of zero for size XS but my cart would still show I had a quantity of one. However, my coworker could see from his computer that a quantity of one was still available on the New In page. Possibly this detailed information helps to further evaluate. Thanks!
Well done sizing up one. Nailed it @T-J
@T-J perfect fit man, congrats