Duffel Bags
Thanks Giles. Ordered the small. Probably just as well there aren't any IH stockists in France
what i thought all the smalls were long gone.
guess i got to pay abit more attention
That's why I went for the small, will fit everything I need it to. The large was just too large.
Couldn't wait for the collab though. Away at the end of the month. First proper holiday in over a year
another guess on the collabo, Master-Piece
***this is gonna get buried here, but what the heck
it didn't get buried
really long shot, goruck???
my kids love trunki
No hints - sorry. Still working on stuff. OK, one hint - the range will be a collab…....................
Can't believe I am just reading this, but my interest is peaked!~
yeah, so what's your guess????
Hmmm, that seems like a very good guess Lando. some nice images on there. not 100% on the bags tho….
MOD, was just a shot in the dark. I honestly have no idea but whatever it is, it will be proper!!!
I don't doubt it, …Hahahaha, I wasn't suggesting you had some insider info btw
- just one of the better guesses!