Random questions to which you seek an answer
OK thanks G
I feel like I’m always asking dumb/obvious questions, so apologies in advance.
Have some cash burning a hole in my pocket, and want to pick up a fresh pair of indigo jeans. I’m interested in the 14oz and the 18oz vintage. My current pair are the 19oz lefties, so was looking initially at the 14oz to add a bit of weight variety. However I’ve read that the 18oz vintage does very well in warmer weather.
I appreciate that descriptive language has limitations, but what are the differences in hand feel/wearability between the two denims? I get the feeling that the 14oz weave is more uniform and has a smoother and rigid surface, while the 18oz is a bit hairier with a coarser/crispy texture. Which, if any, is the most “different” from the 19oz lefty?
@jerkules your expactations are on point. Thats exactly how they compare. Still I would say even with being less breathable the lighter weigh of the 14 oz can feel more pleasant on the skin. But I have only experience with shirts in these denims.
Thanks @FlavourFade good to hear my assumptions are in the right direction.
@jerkules wanted to add something because I think it's very important: there are no dumb questions
@jerkules hey man, have you already considered the 16 oz slubs? They breathe as well if not better than my 14 oz and will no doubt give you the biggest variance in texture
@jerkules have you had a pair of 21oz?
@popvulture excellent point, and one I was about to make, too. Also, agreed with @FlavourFade on the no dumb questions
@popvulture said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@jerkules have you had a pair of 21oz?
I wanted to ask the exact same question. I haven’t tried all the different weight denims,but the 21OZ are my summer denims in NYC,and recently in Barcelona and Madrid. At the end of the day,if it’s hot and humid,you’re going to be uncomfortable,but wearing IH,you’ll look better than everyone else. -
@flannel-slut yes I have, and enjoyed them but sized incorrectly. Good shout, though I’m always keen to try something new
@popvulture @Tago-Mago
Yes, and I bloody loved the 21oz. Grew out of the cut (777) and am now firmly a 634 guy. I’d probably grab the 21oz 634s if my size were in stock at IH or R&H. But unlike Ian MacKaye, I am an impatient boy, so having my head turned by other denims. -
@jerkules I hear ya, man! (Also Fugazi refs anytime, pls)
If I had the choice I’d go with 18oz all day long. I just think it’s a more interesting denim. The 14oz is totally fine, but just feels less IH to me.
Appreciate the input @popvulture got some thinking to do
@jerkules today it's 31°C outside and I took a walk in my 21 oz 555. It was okay and at the end of the day they did not come off extremely easy but I did not overheat. With a wider cut like 634 it would have been even better