IH-888-XHSMB - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut - Mad Black
@Kasi much love on your transparency through your trying times and my condolences as well man. Wonderful news on the operation giving you relief... heres to good health and crisp fades
Mystery Mad Black has found my way! Thanks @Kasi
First fit pics of these Mad Blacks! Really like them! I had the 888 which @Oaktavia had giving hell and they seem stubborn to fade. I forgot how incredible this fabric is.. soft but what a heft.. feels heavier but then again softer then xhsib. I’m glad i could collect then golden trio with these XHSmb, XHSib and XHSbb. I got lots to fade
thanks @Kasi cheers!
134 wears
First wash: 97 wears
Edit: 4 washes total I double checked my chart.These feckers are beyond stubborn.