Random Rants
Got a mole in the back yard wreaking havoc.
Going into Elmer Fudd mode soon
@flannel-slut we have voles. Tell me what works for you and I will copy
@endo big time and the whole eyeless thing just gives me the creeps
@Tago-Mago I tried smoking them out with raw insanity to no avail. I read somewhere that if you put a stick of juicy fruit in one of the exposed holes, that it will actually kill them if eaten. Very skeptical but cheap/desperate enough to give it a go. the idea of killing the vermin in this fashion sucks but I’m at that point
I noticed earlier this week that a new shop called 'Patina' had opened up in my City. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but with a name like that I thought the Midlands may had finally found a home for a store selling premium Japanese menswear a la Rivet and Hide... but nah, just the same kinda streetwear you can pick up in the Size? store around the corner.
My only rant for today is that we didn’t get a hotel room and stay longer yesterday
Reddit is a toxic cesspit of incels and trolls.
(But also contains lots of handy information)
@Megatron1505 …half right…