The Iron Heart Forum 15th and the Iron Heart 22nd Anniversary Party
3 very beautiful days with so much fun & great feelings! Thank you so much @Alex and to all the crew. Super dedicated & generous people
Really touched and happy to meet @Clint_D and his wife + @goosehd and his happy gang for the first time. Touché!
@neph93 my friend! Stay strong! Very strong!
@Giles & @Madame-Buttonfly 🫵️
Huge feeling of seeing again people you really like and at the same time meeting new ones over a drink or two. Cheers guys for the vibes🫵️
Shirt and bandana from party store perfect for pre-run dog walk
A big Thank You, from me to Alex, Giles, Paula, the entire Iron Heart Crew and all the denimheads who attended for a truly awesome weekend. Here are a few memories of Saturday.
@tody that'll be hilarious.
I am not sure how often y'all check Haraki's Boss Talk blog. I do not usually remember it exists, unless someone shares a link. I did notice that he was taking photos this past weekend and wondered if he posted any onto his blog. I found that he did, and many of us are in the photos.