IHG-056-IND - 21oz selvedge denim apron
@fadedandcrumpled nice! And cool photo, I would love to go to a store like that.
@Oaktavia When in Tokyo, one must make the pilgrimage. I loved every minute.
@Oaktavia I just imagine this a few years down the line. It’s gonna be legendary.
@JunkPants this is the one piece I think i can really get away with long increments without washing too. It's just art supplies that are getting on it. So I'll see how far i can go.
@Mizmazzle I have a lesson plan called Nice Fit! that has students draw flat lays and/or mannequins/models wearing various outfits for a fashion design drawing. Have done this with 8th graders in the past, but i have all 6th grade this year. The cover photo for my lesson plan has all IH in a flat lay photo. Some of the students pick up on it and dig it. This year I told my 6th graders in September that I was going to Gosport to meet the IH folks and showed them a slideshow presentation when I got back of photos from my trip. They couldn't wrap their heads around having friends that live in a different country, but liked the photos of the repairs shop and the branding of Iron Heart. They understand fashion as culture and appreciate a well dressed teacher. I get comments on my fits in the hallways from time to time.
Below is a screen shot of my lesson plan from my Google Drive on my phone.
@Oaktavia love this!! I’ve always made discussion of my love of boots and denim very upfront with my students. I’ve even layered it into lessons. But what you’ve got going on here is really cool. Shows the kids the concept in real times through their teachers presence and allows them to reflect on their own styles and the fashion trends in the greater pop culture. Very well done man.
@Mizmazzle that's cool to hear how influential IH has been on us, let alone our output to our worlds
@Oaktavia And this version has large grommets that the apron "strings" go through which differs from the other versions that have stitched-on loops. Glad to be able to share it!
@Mizmazzle This apron has been around the world on the world tour, and around again on my deployment in 2017-2018, so it's had quite a journey over about a dozen years. And I've used it for so many things and get compliments on it all the time. It's quite a piece!