Guitars anyone???
@denim-dawg thanks Sir!
@scooter hahahahahaha
Bit of a novelty piece but I don't really need anything more than a little practice amp and it gets the job done, pretty stoked to finally track one of these down. How about an IH guitar strap?! -
I’ve been on a Lowell George and Little Feat kick of late and thought this was really cool about Lowell’s Dumble amp…
@AdamJ Definitely a topic to revisit at the upcoming party! I know for sure we covered guitar straps, amp 'tolex', even a guitar made out of XHS & resin last time!
I reckon Josh could knock this one up!
An Iron Heart pick pocket would be cool (made from an old jeans pocket of course!).
Sturgill keeps it simple - guitar, amp, tuner!
May be my favorite IH purchase OF ALL TIME!! How did I not know these existed? -
@Memphisakers really need to see a pic of yous shredding this beauty with your axe and Y2 leather jacket!!
This is a brilliant watch, especially if you are interested in Stevie Ray Vaughan tones. I've met Scott a couple of times over the years, he's a lovely lad and one hell of a player.
@AdamJ They were built by master builder John Cruz. I once owned a custom build by him to the same SRV spec but with a more subtle finish (less wear and no stickers!). I sold it on to fund another guitar, doh!
@AdamJ It was great to talk pedals on Thursday evening at the R&H event! Here’s my current board, for decades I just used the tube screamer and tuner. Then the internet came along…
@goosehd Cheers D! I've not tried many of the newer vibe pedals on the market but the 1968 does pretty much what it says on the tin - I replaced a Chorus pedal for it on the board and use it mostly for the enhanced Chorus effects. I'm a big fan of the band The Hoax, who the designer, Jesse Davey played guitar for. He really knows what he is doing when it comes to pedals and tone!
Check the tone at the 4 and half minute point in this demo! -
@LewisStonehouse Wow! Someone is definitely on Santa's good list!
I’ll be on the domestic naughty list when that shows up