Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
@Mizmazzle Listening now...sounds great...thanks for sharing
@Aetas - More Specials - fantastic record
@68degreesorless glad you like it. Willie’s voice pairs so well with Christmas tunes. I especially find “Christmas Blues” to be rather moving.
@Mizmazzle just downloaded it, I’m now mellowly hemming
@Mizmazzle well now I'm certified jealous. Wonder if my wife would mind me doing the same in the spare bedroom....
@Mizmazzle I agree - hearing him sing simple, traditional songs I already know all the words to somehow let’s me focus on how good his voice is. And yes, Christmas blues was def my favorite track…great minds
@Aetas said in Wax Treasure (Vinyl):
@Steve couldn’t resist. Here she is with the Specials.
I have a loose front tooth. I accused the future (very early) manager of The Specials of cheating in a game of poker at sixth form college. I got head-butted for my trouble....
We did have a bit of an issue between us anyway. He was always trying to get off with my then girlfriend. In later life he became a recruitment consultant, I was looking for a change of career at the time and he got in touch, ostensibly to talk about a potential job, but really all he wanted to talk about was her.
Nearly gave him a head-butt back....
@Bailey haha...I had a listening room in my old house before the wife and I met and I lived alone, When we ultimately bought a house together and were taking tours and talking about what we need and want in a new home, "listening room" was a non-negotiable haha. Fortunately, the little lady loves listening to records too, so my "putting my foot down" is more a testament to her agreeability than my man of the house machismo.
Though I am in there alone 99.9% of the time, so it's my cave of solitude for the most part.
@Mizmazzle That is awesome though man. I am seriously considering changing up our little 'nook' at the top of the stairs from a gaming station to a listening/chillout room!
Happy wife, happy life ay!
@Mizmazzle its lacking some rhythm... (work in progress)
@Mizmazzle said in Wax Treasure (Vinyl):
Is that also your office?
That's the real reason i got to put that in.
Better belive I deducted the fuck out of my taxes that year since it was a work expense.
The fact that 70% of the space is devoted to records is inconsequential as far as the IRS is concerned...right??