Best way to deal with lint/pet hair?
yea lint rollers for sure. When we had two cats, my wife worked in a salon (wore black all day everyday) and I was a touring musician (mostly wore black and gray all the time). We just got used to having them in the car, the dressing room, at work, by the front door, etc.
I used to buy the bulk packs of the heavy duty Scotch Brite ones to have around the house. I also used this one with great results as a reusable option.
Those Black and Decker thingies like @Matt suggested work wonders. I used to use lint rollers on my couch to get rid of the copious if not downright excessive amounts of hair my cat layers on it. The B&D really cut down on a lot of cost, plus it’s easier to use.
I still use lint rollers on my clothes, and I’ve found the best ones are these super sticky Evercare ones. Well worth it.
EDIT the url was a hideous amount of link gore, so best to just look up Evercare lint roller on Amazon, should do the trick.
My mom taught me a handy trick for getting the massive amount of dog hair I accumulate off the seats and floor carpet of my truck. Simply take a wet hand towel and rub in the same direction. It collects all the hair super easy into a disgusting pill of hair. Then just pick it up and toss into the trash. Works 1000x better than trying to vacuum it up. (Note: this trick is for excessive hair build up from having the hound in the ride for weeks to months on end)
@derek111 Exactly!
This thread is so validating. I knew I wasn't alone with the lint rollers, but it's not something that's discussed very often around here.
Some of my shirts in particular were especially difficult to deal with. I have a flannel that loved to attract cat hair on the inside, and that was really frustrating. Or, the lining of a leather jacket. Annoying! I miss my cats so much, but I'm getting hours of my life back every month to lint rolling. I'm also looking forward to getting new cats someday
I loved our cats, but when we finally decided to adopt a new pet last year, we went with a hypoallergenic pup that doesn't shed. Forgot about all of it until reading this thread.
@popvulture I never thought I would be influenced on this forum to pick up a black and decker lint roller, but @Matt and yourself should be getting royalty cheques in the mail. Damn you Jeff Bezos and your next day delivery. I will report back with my findings on the hair of two vizsla dogs who have taken over our tiny bungalow.
Yeah I found a whole other cat in there. He’s part of the family now.