UES Clothing MFG .CO.
I can’t seem to find any evidence that they have done so, but does anyone know if UES has ever made a black version of the tricotine? I’m kinda nuts over this shirt and think it’d rule in a fading black.
@popvulture I’ve never seen it. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened though. Do you have the indigo version? I’ve got an unworn one sitting in my closet waiting for its turn…whenever that may be.
@Mizmazzle yeah I got one, curiosity got the best of me but I’m glad. Big fan, just loving the heft of it and enjoying seeing the fading start to happen.
I think the weight combined with whatever structural nature of the fabric I can’t properly define gives it this really nice drape / molding thing. Naturally whenever I end up loving a piece of clothing like this, my next question is “does it come in black?” Maybe one day they’ll do it!
@popvulture you and I think very much alike in that regard. Black is always a go to.
I like what you’re saying about the drape. I can envision it based on how it has that almost shredded wheat kind of weave. Seems like it will mold and shape wonderfully. I’m def not letting mine go anywhere. Somehow I ended up with several incredible indigo shirts this season.
Fantastic shirt
@Morose_Penguin orders online end up from Japan to UK in 3-4 days. Excellent service and low mail fees using DHL compared to US stores
@derek111 UES Tricotine, and Ship John Sashiko are hands down 2 of the best shirts ever IMO, (along with IH CPO's, lol)
@Mizmazzle you talking about the Henley tee I see on their site?
@popvulture no. Not the Henley. About 6 months ago they ran a MTO indigo tee shirt with a yarn #7. Which is thicker than the standard yarn #8 tees they make. It was only open for a week or two for order placement.
@Mizmazzle ah gotcha. Looks like they have a Henley version w that same thread on the site right now, newest addition if you view by release date. Looks sick but I wonder if the biggest size would be a touch too small for me, as usually 22” chest is just right. Length iffy too. Badass shirt though.
Dammit I typed a reply in the wrong place haha. Ignore me!
@popvulture ah yup. Just checked. I see that Henley. Same yarn it looks like. The one I preordered is just a standard tee.
I love henleys. But being the hyper picky dude I am, prefer them long sleeved.
@Mizmazzle Oh, fuck off!
Funny — I prefer em short.