White's Boots
@Denimhead-0 I don’t have any engineers and have been wanting to get a pair. These are exactly what I was wanting, so I had to pull the trigger. They are at the house now, so I’ll get to check them out after work!
New RSD X White's Foreman Black & Creme Boots arrived today w the 403
White’s Sale going on now. Got me again
@popvulture I would love a pair of those. We have limited availability of Whites in the UK and I ordered a pair of semi dress boots in the recommended half size down from brannock and they were spot on but slightly too narrow on one foot. No other sizes available so I couldn’t try on an E or size up. Can’t take the risk ordering from the US and they don’t fit. Weird about breaking in and how it differs. My Iron Rangers broke in after a couple of hours and my Vibergs right out of the box yes other people have said 6 months on IR! Comment here seriously needs to become a proper Whites stockist! John Lofgren is better but I want their Capitan boots and they are only from the worldwide site so will get hammered on duty and tax.
@Gavin666 I do know that if you order custom from White's, you can do things like get one boot in a D and one in an E, but that still might be too iffy for you as far as risk.
Also, this is just an opinion and I'll additionally admit that they are very different vibes in terms of look and feel, but I've owned like five pairs of Lofgrens and can say that White's are the undisputed winners for me. Once again though, my subjective thoughts.
@popvulture that’s interesting. I loved the Whites I tried on. Must say in terms of quality Viberg are another level but the styling of the Whites boots are awesome
Been enjoying the hell out of these lately — so far they’re shaping up to be my favorite boots ever. They’re just everything I like: chunky, well constructed, hard wearing, and prettier the more beat up they get. It’s fun to see how the evo shows up in different light. I also really love how the toe boxes are crinkling up, but since they’ve got celastic toes, they’re not getting crazily pancaked out.
waxed flesh @popvulture ?
@pechelman yep, cinnamon
@popvulture I’ve been hoping you’d post some pics of them. They really look fantastic and have inspired me to find something in that leather. Looking forward to see how they continue to evolve.
@SKT the waxed flesh is such a good texture, and really lends itself well to wear. I ordered another pair in black CXL during the sale, and was SUPER tempted to just get black waxed, but I convinced myself to mix it up a little. Did you end up getting a pair? I know you were thinking about it.
@popvulture black CXL will be really nice. No I showed unusual restraint
Love these
@68degreesorless what did you use to clean and condition these?
@spleef_oner how are these breaking in? Still happy with sizing?
@bluemantra honestly I don’t remember. Maybe saddle soap to knock the dirt off and either Venetian shoe cream or black rock leather n rich to shine em up.
@Denimhead-0 these look great, mad I didn’t get them at the sale.
@ZackB Thanks, so happy with them. The patina / indigo transfer is very nice