Random conversations
@pechelman hope everybody's good. Glad sabergirl's alright. I have some colleagues in GA who have been displaced and wont be back in action for a couple weeks minimum. All safe tho. Up here we've just been getting lots of rain and a little wind, all pretty mild.
I wasn’t sure where else to post this, but I had to share with someone…
Ive been lusting after a biker jacket, specifically the Horse, but while I gather some funds, I bought a cheap cowhide jacket. I didnt like the fit, the colour, the waxiness of the leather so I set about doing everything that one should not do to a leather jacket… and it went from this:
to this:
Im gonna try breaking some more rules!
thanks @Mister_Brue
there was the initial ‘hard stare’ where i just glared at it strongly and wished i hadn’t gone down the false economy road once again. There might even have been some naughty words, which i think is often overlooked when distressing clothes. Whilst not affecting the leather in any way whatsoever, I think it at least beat the jacket’s morale. Next was the hot soak at an indeterminate temperature for about an hour. Then I rang it out taking special care to not take any care, and threw it on the floor with distain. More liberal swear words were tossed in when i realised this thing would take a while to dry, so I hung it in the bomb shelter for a two days. I live in England. Its December. It froze. More swearing. It was now brittle and it squeaked like a clown’s shoes. So I turned the electric blanket on, self medicated, and slept in it for about 20hours. Then it was a liberal coating of mink oil. (probably the ONLY recommended action on this list). To speed up the penetration of the mink oil, it went straight onto a very hot radiator. When dry, I just went at-it with some green meanies, and when that didn’t work, some 180 sandpaper. The final touch was kicking it along a concrete floor.
Simple really -
@NorvilleRogers That is some neglect for sure. You really must have hated that poor thing!
Thanks @Giles
I wonder if I’ll be as brave when I eventually buy a 129.
@NorvilleRogers haha. This anecdote gave me a solid chuckle. On the upside, it looks damn incredible now and I love the cut.
It’s a horse hide jacket? What’s the make? -
Thanks @Mizmazzle
Horse Hide I wish! no, its just cowhide, but reasonably thick. Its made by Triumph which is an english brand that has a side hustle making motorbikes. Or is that the other way round? Its a bit like Tesla making cheese! But it all worked out in the end, and as we all know, I’ll still end up buying the Horse or the Blattwerk! -
@NorvilleRogers Ha! 129 - see,@Tago-Mago this is the jacket everybody needs!
@Tago-Mago Exactly. You buy the jacket, I buy the shirt.
@Tago-Mago A lawyer would have seen this coming for miles
No @Mister_Brue its a brick one. its my smoking room, so it smells like an ashtray, and has a small family of hedgehogs currently hibernating in it. i think it was built in about ‘41. its damp, but still standing strong.
@Kasi Thanks for the shout-out and pat on the back! Thanks for having me signed up. You're the first step towards my IH journey!
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