Samurai Jeans
If anything, I'm saying Finn is quite muscular and 'big' in the best kind of way… Whereas we, Geo, aren't...
Fuck it - leaving my comment as is... Someone hurry and make a 'small' minded joke
So now I'm fat!!!
Digging deeper doesn't get you out the hole dude
. . . and I used to think you were one of the good guys of the forum
Shame on you!
Shit - ok I now plea the fifth and and flea the country. But I stand by saying you look brilliant, Geo.
out, carrying filled duffelbags down the stairs, getting in a cab
It's ok - we're cool . . . miss you too much if you're not around - I'll give you a fat hug next time we meet
Anyway G is right - all the good guys are women . . . something amiss I fear
You go Geo!!! Thanks fpr the lovely compliment!
Seul you stay put - If I have to come track you down you know what I'll bring to do it…
Damn! How can you read my mind like that???!
yep..too much going on on many Samuai shirts
best western denim shirts are IMO the Flathead ones. very clean looking (no branding stuff like the IH one, which looks like Nudie's branding which is stolen from Lee, or too loud like Samurai) and a good repro of the Levi's ones -
best western denim shirts are IMO the Flathead ones. very clean looking (no branding stuff like the IH one, which looks like Nudie's branding which is stolen from Lee, or too loud like Samurai) and a good repro of the Levi's ones
So why are you here then?