Where does everyone live?
@endo Hey Endo, Rock on Bro
@markus_berlin_ Hey Markus, Thanks M8
@Oaktavia Hey Oaktavia
Greetings from Vienna
@Domi said in Where does everyone live?:
Greetings from Vienna
Hello aus der Südsteiermark, jetzt gibt's hier schon zwei Österreicher
@seawolf First post here. Bay Park checking in
@Juan-Grande dope! I’m in PB, so we’re practically neighbors. Welcome to the best place on the internet!
@seawolf Thanks! Lurked for a while. Actually saw someone on the trail at Blacks rocking an IH denim western a few weeks ago. Haven't seen too much of it in the wild here
@Juan-Grande I’ve only seen IH in the wild once in SD in the 11 years I’ve been here! I guess the only other time was in Seattle a few years ago.
Checking in from Palm City, Florida . Made in Birmingham, England.
I've been enjoying the forum and IH denim shirts and CPOs for a few months now. The community here is very positive and I enjoy being a part of it, even though I mainly just lurk.When spring and summer come around, here in Florida, the denim will have to go to the back of closet.
@MTpockets welcome fellow Mid-Atlanter. I'm from Maryland and now living about half a mile into WV. Go Ravens!
@MTpockets no time like time present to start one of your own
@gt1776a another Brummie here!
Hi. Long time lurker, finally registered/first time poster. I'm from Humboldt County, Northern California (USA)