IH-822-IND - Double Knee 21oz Selvedge Denim Engineer's Pants - Indigo
better than the last batch
@Mizmazzle Why don’t you try something different and go with a cuff and see if you like it. If you don’t find they jive, you can always get them hemmed. Happy retail therapy
@Mizmazzle I’m a cuffer, but definitely prefer the hemmed look on these. Just my $0.02
All of mine get hemmed, it's a cleaner look.
Am I missing something? I can't find them
@Mizmazzle @HalfPastNever had a minor issue with the DB, should be good to go now. Sorry for the inconvenience
The deed is done
@Mizmazzle Congrats ~ you’ll love them. Cuff or hemmed?
@Denman-John went hemmed....I know myself. That's where they'd end up anyways!
@AdamJ got it thank you..sorry, ive just been waiting years for these. I was getting itchy
@HalfPastNever haha...same. Was kinda freaking out...hands got all shaky.
@Mizmazzle hem for sure