IHW-11 - 26oz Black Selvedge Melton Wool and Horse Hide Varsity Jacket
We have couple of these just come in from Kojima - Both grey, 1xS and 1xM
USD600 each….
I wonder if there are any of these out there that are for sale?
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Finally, Thanks to Mo @Kasi, i am.wearing my IHW-11 varsity jacket. It feels.amazing. My words won't do justice here as I m speechless.
I just hope I was in a better shape mentally and physically at the moment.
Anyhow, full coumt lot 1109-21oz and IHW-11 26oz.Melton.Wool.varisty jacket.
The culprit-mentor behind @Kasi
Moreover, ist snap button on jacet is from GAH.
The legend is TRUE. Mr. GAH delivers once again.
Thanks MO for everything. -
awesome jacket!
perfect fit
congratulations -
@Daniel-San thanks Daniel-San .. Finally, I am an IH owner. can't believe it ..
Mo's patience in handling the shipping clearly showed he wanted me to have it. He could've sold it to anyone, but he chose not to. Even my brother, who was going to be in London, backed out and refused to bring it with him. Mo stepped up where my brother couldn't.Here's the shipping route:
the UK ----> Ireland ---> Pakistan -
Mo makes it
the best part it shinki leather Arms as opposed to an all-wool varsity jacket like the IHW-10.
i got lucky with IHW-11. wool and shinki horsehide ..
even though, leather has not been my genre, when @Kasi says it, u shut up and listen. Even, the ist snap button is from GAH.
i hit the trifecta with wool, shinki leather, and GAH jewelry. -
Looks nice on you Hamza
Yeah, i figured @Alex
I read all 3 threads on the forum, it doesn't say shinki leather anywhere.
But no one gonna know where I live
Horsehide sleeves are enuf-said .. -
@Alex could be horween shell cordovan from USA?
@Hamza-Yunus that smile on your face says it all!
@Giles you are right. Mostly leather jackets from IH soure horsehide from.Himeji, which is leather hub / capital.from.Japan.
I have seen The flat head and Fine creek leathers using shinki hikaku horsehide.
So, i got carried away with my IHW-11, but i knew i was just fooling myself -
Looking. Fly 🪰 now less talking about Levi’s.
You past it now. Now you’re officially Iron Heart.