Gardening, landscaping and plants in general
My sister got me these lights for Christmas and they’re actually pretty cool. They have a bunch of LED settings and brightness options. I love the way they make the monstera shadows on the ceiling -
@Mister_Brue sorry man. Not sure how I missed your comment and question here.
I’m not much of a cook, never tried to make mango chutney. I’d guess that it is doable if one strains out the fibrous bits.
I’ll ask around and see if any of my friends tried making that chutney. -
I make mango chutney from ripe mangos and mango pickle from non-ripe....
One of my garden orchids (Catasetum fuchsii) is in full bloom and attracting “orchid bee” pollinators from the Euglossini tribe. These bees are more spectacular than the flower itself.
For more cool info on Euglossine bees…. -
@motojobobo beautiful!
@motojobobo Amazing looking bees. (Never seen or heard of these before).
We're itching to get going with our stuff here in Nashville. We usually can't start until mid-April, since it l usually likes to tease us and make us think it's spring, before freezing a couple more times.
@chrisjohnnick same up in Portland but if we tent the beds with plastic we can usually get away with putting some things in around March
Same in the UK. Established gardening lore is that anything not frost-tolerant should not go out until May.
My favourite Magnolia has no buds on it this spring, just the stumpy bits where they connected to the branches. I think that we must have had a hard frost at some point through the winter. and that did for it. On a positive point, I expect it to grow more vigorously this year as a result....
Harvested a fresh box of worm castings yesterday and added to one of my 3 raised beds. Started to clean the tops off of pine needles and weeds.
Repotted three thyme plants I started indoors in December, and got my seeds ready. Need to finish raised bed maintenance which will just be topping off some fresh compost as I follow no-till.
Going to be planting some flowers for fresh cut this year for my girlfriend on top of all the food. Also trying to get a spot in the community garden to grow stuff that’s just space consuming.