The Outlet & Project RE:LOVE Drops
Whomever purchased the violet/red UHF in XXXL, I'm upset with you.
And whoever snagged the Purple Rain, good on you, and damn you!
Stoked to be getting my first UHF. Awaiting the grey ombre
@VegaS10 me too
just grabbed the 8301s self edge collab .
almost overlooked them because I wasn’t after black jeans
the cut is awesome and fits me extremely well
already have the indigo version which I love️
My first UHF has landed. Perfect fit, and amazed by the flannel. Blows my other flannels out of the water.
would guess 777 sbg or od
@Daniel-San Great guess mate! but what about the pocket fade, is that a phone or tin of some kind what do you think?
@Tago-Mago Looks that way doesn't it? Just love the way it looks and gives me ideas for enhancing the fading in my jeans.... what to put in the pockets
@Tago-Mago Just looks class!! wonder if there is any obscure items that anyone has had in them to create different and unique fading?